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Ways your business sucks...
Posted: 11/15
Look, I don't mean to be blunt...and I'm not saying that you're a bad person.  I'm just saying that it's possible - POSSIBLE - that there may be some ways that your business right now is...ahem...underperforming.

So here is a non-exhaustive list of how your business MIGHT suck.
  • You're not leveraging the free marketing out there to attract customers.
  • You're ignoring your past customers.
  • You don't upsell/crosssell/downsell CONSISTENTLY during your sales process.
  • You're ignoring your best source for referrals.
  • You're not using effective, emotional sales copy to produce consistent results and to eliminate randomness in your business.
  • You don't effectively use "bait" to ensure that every customer contact leaves you with the prospective customer's contact information and a chance for conversion follow up.
  • You don't have adequate multiple media follow up with prospective customers or your existing customers.
  • You haven't made your business publicity worthy - either because you don't know how or because you think your business isn't "sexy" enough to attract hundreds of thousands of dollars of free publicity.
  • You're either wasting your advertising dollars on ineffective advertising or you're NOT spending money on marketing at all (because you're overloaded, overwhelmed).
  • You don't track and analyze where your customers come from so that you can focus on the profitable lead generation sources.
  • You don't have information products (e-books, handbooks, audio, video) in your business to generate more leads and decrease the burden on you or your staff.
  • Your office or store or web site has not been analyzed and optimized to maximize sales.
  • You lose (or unnecessarily delay) business because you're not paying attention to the fact that your prospective customer DO NOT TRUST YOU so you neglect using testimonials, risk reversal guarantees, and other credibility enhancers.
  • You have a random, haphazard, "depends too much on you" process for converting prospective customers/clients.
  • You don't market complementary products or services to your customers, thus ignoring "easy" income streams.
  • You haven't taken the easy steps to become "slightly famous", famous with your prospective customers.
  • You don't form strategic partnerships with other businesses that could result in more leads, additional revenue, and "better" prospective customers.
  • You're working too hard and not seeing the kind of results you're hoping for because EVERYTHING ends up on your plate.

There I said it...

And if you're interested in learning how to de-suckify your business, click
"& What to Do About It"...

Download your "Find It and Fix It - Breakthrough Business Strategies Diagnostic Guide"

Download your "Find It and Fix It - Breakthrough Business Strategies Diagnostic Guide"